Hormone replacement therapy Greene County, IL - Restore Health Clinic

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can provide life-changing benefits for both men and women suffering from hormone deficiencies. At Restore Health Clinic in Greene County, Illinois, our experienced medical staff specializes in customized HRT programs to restore hormone balance, vitality, and quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Physical and emotional symptoms that disrupt daily living may indicate a treatable hormone deficiency. Restore Health Clinic provides advanced testing to pinpoint imbalances. We create fully personalized plans comprising bioidentical hormones and lifestyle changes for optimal wellness.

Our services

Common Signs for Women

Common Signs for Men

Timely treatment can prevent worsening symptoms and long-term health consequences. The experienced Restore Health Clinic medical team analyses hormones tests and designs customized, effective HRT regimens. We partner with each patient for sustainable results.

| Deficiency Sign | Potential Health Impact | |-|-| | Hot flashes, night sweats | Increased risk of cardiovascular disease | | Vaginal atrophy | Urinary tract infections, pain | | Low libido | Relationship problems, low self-esteem | | Loss of muscle mass | Higher fracture risk, frailty |

Basics of Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as those made naturally in the body. They are formulated from plant sources and precisely matched to human hormones. When prescribed properly and monitored through testing, bioidentical HRT can safely and effectively correct deficiencies for enhanced wellness in both women and men.

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progesterone for Women

These restore optimal female hormone activity associated with youth, energy and vitality. Benefits include relief of hot flashes/night sweats, improved sleep, balanced mood, easier weight management, and uterine protection.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

Referred to as TRT, testosterone treatment alleviates low "T" symptoms, including mental fog, low energy, reduced muscle mass and strength, weight gain and emotional issues.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

This prohormone precursor declines significantly with age. DHEA therapy enhances energy, immunity, inflammatory regulation, cardiovascular health, mood and sleep quality. It also assists in building bone and muscle mass.

Thyroid Hormone

Thyroid deficiency can produce similar effects throughout the body as sex hormone disruption. Restoring optimal thyroid activity promotes weight management, cardiovascular health, improved digestion and positive mood.

Correcting hormone deficiencies can prevent development of diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and hypertension over time.

Restore wellness with customized HRT.

Starting HRT Therapy

The first step is specialized blood and saliva testing to identify specific hormone abnormalities. Initial tests may include:

Follow up consultations analyze results, make comparisons to optimal ranges, and determine the right hormone corrections.

Customized Treatment Protocol

The Restore Health Clinic approach always begins with specialized testing for precision diagnosis. We then thoughtfully assess patient symptoms, medical history and health goals. This enables designing fully customized HRT regimens and complementary wellness plans.

We partner closely with each individual throughout the process, providing ongoing evaluation, support and modifications as needed. Follow up testing helps verify treatment effectiveness and guide dosage adjustments.

Components of the Restore Health Clinic protocol may encompass:

Benefits of Timely Treatment

Allowing hormone deficiency symptoms to linger can spawn accelerated aging, disease progression and loss of independence. Conversely, clinical research affirms advantages from properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy:

For Women

- Relief of disruptive hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal atrophy - Reduced fracture risk by optimizing bone density - Possible cardiovascular benefits – improved lipid profiles and lower inflammation - Decreased anxiety and depression - Better insulin sensitivity assisting healthy weight - Slowed brain aging – increased cognitive function and reduced dementia risk

For Men

- Restored libido, sexual performance, muscle mass and strength - Increased motivation, productivity, mental sharpness - Better mood regulation and emotional resilience - Reduced belly fat, body inflammation and cardiometabolic disease risk - Stronger bones, improved balance and coordination - Delayed onset of fatigue, frailty and functional impairment

Adequate sleep, stress control and proper nutrition amplify these gains. Restore Health Clinic designs comprehensive regimens promoting robust health during midlife and beyond.

Restore your vitality. Visit Restore Health Clinic for customized hormone therapy.

Why Choose Restore Health Clinic?

Restore Health Clinic brings advanced HRT expertise with a thorough, caring approach. Key reasons Illinoisns trust us for their hormone balance needs:

We also lead vital research to refine anti-aging strategies like using DHEA to promote retention of muscle mass and strength. Contact us today to discover your personalized path to optimal vitality and wellness.

Regaining Balance – Kelly's Journey Back to Wellness

Kelly first came to her initial appointment feeling like a shadow of her former self. As an active mother of teenagers, she once relished her full schedule. But the 48-year old was now overwhelmed by physical and emotional changes. Hot flashes repeatedly interrupted her workflow and sleep. She struggled with unexplained 30-pound weight gain over 2 years despite reasonable diet and exercise efforts. Kelly often felt anxious or on the verge of tears without reason. Fatigue made everything more difficult.

Specialized testing revealed Kelly had plunged into premature menopause from ovarian failure. Her estrogen level was nearly undetectable. We also identified very low thyroid and DHEA. She clearly required multi-hormone replacement.

Kelly opted for a combination of bioidentical estrogen and progesterone tablets along with DHEA capsules. We also prescribed thyroid hormone and well-tolerated supplements to amplify benefits. She committed to reasonable nutrition tracking, daily movement, and stress reduction practices.

Within 6 weeks, Kelly was already sleeping better with minimal hot flashes and night sweats. She described better concentration plus more motivation and happiness. Her teenage son even commented that she seemed like herself again. Follow up testing at 90 days indicated Kelly's hormone levels had substantially realigned. Her doctor adjusted dosages to fine tune the balance.

Kelly says hormone therapy gave her life back – and a bright outlook for her future. Through Restore Health Clinic partnership, she now better understands optimal wellness is about continually adapting as bodies change. Kelly wholeheartedly recommends our integrative approach.

Bioidentical HRT: Myths vs Facts

Despite proven safety and efficacy, common myths about hormone replacement therapy persist. We debunk those while highlighting why properly managed treatment typically produces favorable benefit vs risk.

| Myth | Fact | |-|-| | HRT Causes Breast Cancer | Large studies found no increased risk over 5-7 years if started < age 60 or ≤ 10 years after menopause.| | Estrogen Therapy Increases Heart Disease | When balanced with progesterone, it may lower heart disease risk in younger, healthy women.| | Testosterone Therapy Impairs Heart Health | Studies show it either benefits or causes no harm to cardiac factors.| | Bioidentical Hormones Aren't Safer| They closely match human hormones with fewer side effects.*| | Over-the-Counter Options Work as Well | Quality, dosing reliability and purity are often inferior.|

Restore Health Clinic prescribes GMP-quality bioidentical hormones and maintains best practice clinical monitoring for optimal safety. We also incorporate cardiovascular evaluations in our comprehensive testing. Let us thoughtfully consider your unique needs to craft a balanced, effective treatment plan if appropriate.

Diagnosis and Monitoring

Achieving sustainable treatment success requires correctly assessing deficiencies and continually tracking progress. At Restore Health Clinic, in-depth diagnosis and follow-up are integral to our therapeutic process.

Specialized Lab Testing

We utilize advanced panels measuring active hormones, precursor compounds and cell receptors. Testing methodology, timing, consistency and reference range applicability all affect accuracy. Our experts incorporate precision techniques and appropriately interpret often subtle clues.

Ongoing Evaluation

Hormone levels fluctuate daily, warranting an integrated view over time. We repeat lab assays at specific intervals, allowing dosage adjustments responsive to your changing physiology. Follow-up questionnaires also track lifestyle factors and symptom improvements.

Partnering for Health

Our practitioners discuss all aspects of your labs, symptoms and medical history when designing therapeutic regimens. We welcome your collaboration, perspectives and preferences each step of the process to maximize compliance and positive outcomes.

Innovations in HRT Methods

Evolving delivery methods now allow flexible, convenient and non-invasive hormone replenishment. Restore Health Clinic offers all proven modalities to meet patient needs and priorities.

Oral Delivery

Custom-compounded bioidentical hormone tablets allow easy self-administration. We prescribe various combinations and ratios of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and/or DHEA in precise doses. Although first pass liver processing increases clotting factor conversion, this works well for many.

Transdermal Options

Hormones absorb efficiently through skin into the bloodstream, avoiding initial liver metabolism. We provide:

Newer methods like sonophoresis and microneedle rollers further enhance transdermal absorption. We stay current on the latest research.

Long-acting Pellets

Softened bioidentical hormones are compressed into very small implants. A simple office procedure inserts them beneath the skin delivering consistent long-term doses. Blood levels can hold steady up to six months.


Testosterone and select other hormone preparations can be self-administered as direct subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. We train patients in proper technique.

With all methods, our experts optimize combinations, doses and timing of delivery catered to your changing metabolism. Contact us today to explore the best regimen meeting your needs.

HRT Delivery Method Comparison

Numerous proven options effectively restore deficient hormone levels through varied mechanisms. We educate patients about their respective advantages to align with individual priorities.

| Feature | Tablets | Creams/Gels | Patches | Pellets | Injections | |-|-|-|-|-|-| | Dosing Flexibility | High | High | Low | Low | Moderate | | Frequency | Daily | Daily | 1-2x Weekly | 5-6 Months | Weekly/Biweekly | | Invaseiveness | None | Minimal | Low | Moderate | Moderate | | Metabolic Effect | First Pass Liver | Transdermal | Transdermal | Steady Release | Immediate Peak | | Typical Cost | Low | Moderate | High | High | Low | | Self-Administration | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |

Our passion is co-designing personalized therapy regimens supporting your health and lifestyle priorities. Let our experts match you with the ideal modalities for your needs.

Lifestyle Optimization

While bioidentical hormones rectify deficiencies, certain lifestyle measures magnify treatment benefits. Our practitioners provide integrated practical recommendations catered to your needs and preferences.


Hormone balancing diets feature adequate lean proteins for tissue repair, healthy fats reducing inflammation, high fiber stabilizing blood sugar, and a rainbow of phytonutrient-rich produce. Hydration and certain supplements also optimize therapy.


Incorporating varied movement sustains fitness while retaining muscle mass, strength and bone density. Most adults need 2.5 to 5 hours weekly of moderate cardio and resistance training. We offer personalized guidance.

Sleep & Stress Management

Poor sleep and excess stress disrupt hormone pathways. Relaxation practices like meditation, yoga, or nature therapy combined with improved sleep hygiene enhance resilience. For anxiety or depression, counseling may help reframe perspectives.


Certain progressive modalities attempt to override biological aging limitations. Ask us about the latest science regarding fasting routines, cryotherapy, red light therapy or even young plasma interventions.

Lifestyle and cutting-edge tools synergistically amplify the benefits of balanced hormone levels. Restore Health Clinic designs fully integrated protocols catered to your unique needs and aspirations.

Hormone Optimization for Men's Health

Male sex hormones crucially influence emotions, sexual function, lean tissues and protective strength waning with age. Optimizing testosterone and redox signaling counteracts declines promoting sustained virility and independence.

Low Testosterone Hazards

Deficiency symptoms like weakness, weight gain and mental fog progress to fraudility, sarcopenia and cardiometabolic disorders without treatment. Diabetes and osteoporosis risks also rise over time.

Restoring Youthful Function

TRT alleviates energy lapses, motivational issues, and sexual disinterest while allowing better resilience to stress. Treatment also assists retaining agility, muscle mass and explosive power promoting lifelong active living.

Mens Health Beyond Hormones

We help men proactively strengthen foundational wellness across spheres including fitness, nutrition, purpose and community. Robust vitality arises from diligently cultivating essential lifestyle components.

Restore Health Clinic offers cutting edge hormone corrections - and importantly the integrative solutions beyond for maximizing mens healthspan. Contact us to begin your journey.

HRT for Longevity and Healthy Aging

Aging brings declining hormones, molecular damage and physiological deterioration. Strategic interventions like HRT may significantly impede many aspects of the creeping decline.

Causes of Aging

Progressive loss of cellular homeostasis disrupts tissue repair and systemic communication pathways. Hormone deficiency is both consequence and driver of accumulating daily damage.

Role of HRT

Properly restoring deficient hormones assists regulating weight, inflammation and cardiometabolic factors for sustained health. It also improves neuro-protective biomarkers and immune function.

Future Anti-aging Strategies

Innovations like DHEA senolytic compounds, NAD boosters and parabiosis plasma transfusions may someday override biological aging limitations. For now, balanced HRT aligned with fit lifestyle basics provides accessible anti-aging and longevity advantage.

Restore Health Clinic optimizes hormone balance as a centerpiece of proactive members healthspan extension. Contact us to perform advanced testing and design your personalized therapy.


At Restore Health Clinic, we understand the importance of maintaining optimal hormone levels for overall health and wellbeing. Our experienced medical team is dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive hormone replacement therapy, tailored to each individual's unique needs. With advanced testing, custom-formulated bioidentical hormones, and integrative lifestyle optimization strategies, we strive to help our patients regain balance, vitality, and a renewed sense of wellness. Contact us today to embark on your journey towards hormone harmony and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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